Rich Text (Advanced)

Summary: This section reviews how to add rich text (bold, italic, different font sizes, links, lists, and buttons) to your checkout page.

1) Rich Text Explanation




            "type": "text",

            "text_alignment": "center",

            "text_size": "large",

            "value": "helloasdfasdfadfasdfasdf there"



            "type": "bold",

            "text_alignment": "center",

            "text_size": "extraLarge",

            "value": "hello asdfasdfasdfthere"



            "type": "italic",

            "text_alignment": "center",

            "text_size": "extraLarge",

            "value": "hello asdfasdfasdfthere"



            "type": "link",

            "url": "",

            "value": "Google"



            "type": "list",

            "marker": "bullet",

            "bullets": "kjaksdjfkajsdkf&&&ajkdfja asd asdfasdf adsfasdf&&&jkasljdf ajksdlfjasdf dafasdf asdfasdadsfasdf"



            "type": "button",

            "kind": "primary",

            "url": "",

            "button_alignment": "center",

"value": "asdfasdfasdfasdfas adsf dfasd"




Available Options:

text_alignment: 'start' | 'center' | 'end'

text_size: 'extraSmall' | 'small' | 'base' | 'large' | 'extraLarge' | 'medium'

marker: 'none' | 'bullet' | 'number'

kind: 'primary' | 'secondary' | 'plain'

button_alignment: 'start' | 'center' | 'end'

2) Rich Text Implementation

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to